Lady Briana de Mendoza

Major Fields:

Calligraphy and Illumination

Areas of Interest:


Other Areas of Interest:



Please feel free to contact her if you would like her to teach any of the following classes:

Current Classes

Current Group:

Shire of Sylvan Glen

Email: quote AT ravenmore DOT com



This is the recognized website for the Kingdom of Aethelmearc's Office of the Sylvan Signet and the College of Scribes as part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Baroness Juliana Rosalia Dolce di Siena. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. Copyright ©2013-2019 Aethelmearc College of Scribes.

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